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In Amsterdam, most young divers that want to become a PADI instructor do so because they want to travel. As a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor or higher, your certificate is valid throughout the world. So if you are getting bored with eating another Pad thai, you catch a plane and check out work opportunities in the Caribbean.
The Course
If you are interested in becoming a PADI Instructor, please contact us. We can adjust your Instructor Development Course (IDC) to your needs. There are more ways to do so than we can put on our website.
We work together with some of the most successful IDC-centers across the globe. You can do part of your IDC here and finish up in a tropical location, or the other way around.
Our in house Course Director is Jake Childs, Australian-born, currently living in Amsterdam. This means the main language during your IDC will be English.
The Schedule
Our IDC is conducted in 3 parts;
Dive Theory;
This section is completed online using the PADI e-learning system, this is an optional step, but highly recommended. This section can be completed at home.
Online section;
This section is completed online using the PADI e-learning system, this can be completed at any time before you attend to the face-to-face potion of the IDC.
Face-To-Face section;
During this time you will be taught how to, and will be expected to perform limited teaching assignments, we will take the time to ensure that each candidate is comfortable and able to perform well above the acceptable levels before attendance at your Instructor Examination. We estimate that the face-to-face section will take 6 days.